1. It is effectively used in building strategies for the organization to maintain its competitiveness in the market. All in all, the advantage of using the VRIO analysis is to determine the sustained competitive edge in the market. On the bright side, the Apple Watch has no trouble lasting through the end of the workday and beyond. In typical situation, there are three options that are developed in by the organization to deal with the given problem. An upper performance quantile can be the most appropriate performance standard (D’Aveni, 2007), The assessment of the operational efficiency in the initial stage as a whole for business or any of the business sub-division is likely performed through a percentage analysis of income statement. It is significant to consider these factors. Moreover, under the particular section, the decision criteria is also developed. Lastly, while doing the evaluation of alternatives, it is important to quantify the options through different techniques. Apart from the model only provide the overview of the environment and does not define the industry clearly. Apart from this it also affect the growth potentials of the industry as a whole but reducing the profitability margins. However there are certain limitation attached with it. The merit factor, outlines if the option really resolving the issue or aligned with the given situation. These are the factors that an organization lacks and does poorly in comparison to the organizations operating in the same market at the same level. There percentages are most likely providing analysts or managers with the fast or rapid way for finding key issues or problems. Strength is a characteristic that adds value to something by making it more special, unique and advantageous when compared. To conclude, PESTLE analysis is considered as an effective tool of planning and it offers viable and effective technique foranalyzing and scanning the operating environment of an organization. The Apple Watch A The Launch competition is moreover on basis of diversity, the development within the sector and the barriers related to entrance in the market. The effectiveness of the analysis highly depends on the accuracy of the collected data, updates to accommodation changes in timely manner and other tools trimming down the PESTLE limitation to some extent. Furthermore, the establishment of the problem statement, allows the organization and the management teams to work in a specified direction. The evaluation of the performance of company is often easier in case of having benchmark or standard performance for the comparison. The conciseness of the problem statement is the key, as it allows the reader to quickly understand the issue. One main point that leads people to buy an Android Phone is the price of a device. It is a situation that arises as a result of the changes that took place in the immediate or distant environment, preventing the organization from maintaining its existence and superiority in the growing competition and are disadvantageous for the organization. Such determination is important for the organization to expand in the market and continue its operations with sound profitability. A degree of profitability of an organization highly depends on the income statement reporting on the operations results of company. Infact, the set of recommendation offered should also have a contingency plan, and the other course of action for plan A and B both. The realistic and SMART nature of the option is important to be considered and developed, so it offer maximum value and also resolves the problem effectively. Moreover, the problem statement allow the management to trim down the symptoms of the problem an organization is facing and look on to the real problem that is causing the damage to any specific aspect of the company. In particular section, the management/teams develops different options through which the problem can be resolved. Apple Watch A The Launch Case Study Solution & Analysis In most courses studied at Harvard Business schools, students are provided with a case study. The sales amount of an organization depicts the business size. Due to which the products being produced by the companies that are already existing in the market and is using the same technology are than replaced by the other company’s products that are comparatively better in terms of price and quality and are being produced from sectors with significant profits. In addition time required has to be mentioned. Asset turnover: this measure is widely used in order to measure the ability of the company in generating sales from the fixed assets. Stability:the ability or an organization to remain in the business for the longerperiod of time without sustaining significant losses while conducting the business operations. Nonetheless, the analysis needs to be conjunction with other frameworks such as S-W-O-T analysis in order to get a more realistic picture. Individual expenses or cost items are associating to gross sales revenue adjusted for all allowances and returns. In short, it provides the basis to company’s executive, analysts and manager of making the company profitable in forthcoming years (Helfert, 2017). Apple Watch A The Launch Financial analysis is the assessment of the stability, viability as well as profitability of a sub-business, business or project. The consideration of cost is important in the alternative generation in order to attain the maximum feasibility with overall business strategy and the budget allocated. 2. Posted at 04:08h in Uncategorized by Question description. are all the different ways for achieving the same objective that increased sales. The value factor analysis of the organization gives an eye opening view to the management and also offers the solution on where the organization may build the market utilizing the area value creation factors. It is in the favor of the companies that exist in the market to create barriers for the new entrants to prevent them from entering into the industry. If the number of buyer are limited or each of the buyer purchases large quantity relative to the size of the suppliers. 2. Major HBR cases concerns on a whole industry, a whole organization or some part of organization; profitable or non-profitable organizations. The analysis of the financial statement involves the methods use in interpreting and assessing the outcome of the current and past financial position or performance since they associate to particular interest factors in investment decisions. These are the factors that are easily imitable by the organization (other players) and thus needs to be considered. Also, during the evaluation process, the financial feasibility of the organization is also considered and the drawbacks/weaknesses of the organization. After your analysis of the case, prepare a response to the following questions: 1) Which innovation characteristics could Apple leverage to manage resistance to future generations of Apple Watch? The problem statement refer to the concise description of the issues that needs to be addressed. The useful snap shot can be taken by analyzing the financial condition of an organization in a particular time period. Relative movements in price: targeting for the purpose of creating the shareholder value depends on the relative performance of price. The cost of switching is comparatively low. Many times, under the case analysis, the purpose of the problem statement is to improvise the current state of the organization through pursuing innovation or other changes. In addition, the imitable factor also outlines the factors that are inimitable by the other organization. Such factor analysis is important in order to avoid any resistance implementation and also save the resources and efforts. The credit policy of an organization last greater impact on the day’s receivables. An organization should consider the influence of the national and international laws where the organization would originate the business operations. The examination paper contains two (2) questions. Capital One deploys iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch to provide associates across the company with the devices they know and love. The products in the industry are standardized or are undifferentiated. Another limitation associated with SWOT analysis is that it provide equal weight to each factor regardless of their impact or relevancy. Once the options are developed and evaluated, the recommendation is made, on the basis of the best suited option that offers the maximum value to the company and address the problem succinctly. The process scan the financial statement to evaluate the relationship the disclosed items. Apple Watch (A) The Launch Case Study Solution & Analysis - YouTube. Once it is done, each alternate is compared against each other and with the decision criteria develop, and are given different weigtage. If you want original case solution please place your order on the website; or contact customer support representative. And when there is no close substitute available for the products being supplied by the suppliers. Fixed assets turnover: it is supposed to be vulnerable to the asset valuation issue. Assuming this, Android OS is more compatible with new apps, because people do not need to wait for big updates of apps from the main developers of the OS once they can get it directly from small developers.…, Smartphones can be useful tools to find out information on the spot and stay connected with people from far away, but people argue on if smartphones are really all they are cracked up to be. for the purpose of answering these type of question, it is important for organization recasting the financial statement in to the percentage terms. Also, it offers the benchmark to match the desired condition of the organization, hence putting the efforts of the team in the right direction. The product being offered by the suppliers are highly differentiated. Apple Watch Case Study Template Executive Summary. Powerful suppliers possess Apple Watch A The Launch more power to capture significant value for themselves by demanding high prices while limiting the quality and the quantity of the product or services or by transferring the cost on the participant of the industry. It is due to the fact that such analysis allow the organization to see, if the option will remain strong in future or not. One of the unavoidable advantage of this model is thatit has begun establishing benchmarks – across companies and over the period of time which can be used for flagging the potential issues areas where more than one ratios are reflecting the key problem or issue. In addition to this it does not provide any solution or alternatives decisions. It is effectively used in building strategies for the organization to maintain its competitiveness in the market. Current asset turnover:it measures the current asset level that is require for supporting sales. Such factors may include sales, profitability competitive edge, market share and other. It is used with the intent of analyzing that how well an organization have put their assets to work comparing to other competitors. The amount of money that people spend buying an iPhone is enough to buy two good new Android Phones, which definitely crash the apple on this scenario. Both of her apps were approved by Apple the first time they were reviewed, so you can download them now for iPhone and Apple Watch. At the time of having the Droid X and iPhone 5, I couldn’t have wanted a different type of phone. In this Apple case study, the aim is to identify the internal as well as the external factors that have an impact on obtaining achieving high performances by Apple. In addition, the problem statement is a group process, and hence requires a detail understanding of the issues the organization may be facing, by all members in the team. Though in many cases, it is difficult to analyze the feasibility of the options especially the intangible factor, however, quantifying the maximum option is important, in order to develop a clear image and understanding of option that will address the problem. It is significantlyimportant for companies measuring profit in context, for example; if it is stated that the company has generated 10% profit returns and did not ensure the provision of profitability-oriented information but in case if the company had make a 10% gross profit or return on equity, then the profit term would give meaning. Therefore choosing clients often become crucial for the organizations as to avoid the situation of being highly depended on the buyers. Apple Watch A The Launch SWOT analysis is a process that include four areas that are further divided into two dimensions i.e. It provides the way of looking at the relative equity and debt amount that has been using by company in order to finance the assets. Lastly, under the recommendation, it is important to incorporate the finding from the past, so to make the given Solution more acceptable. The model doesn’t incorporate new business model and the changing dynamics of the market and the impact of globalization. These factors are important to be mentioned in the recommendation, in order to make itr strong and firm and allow the stakeholders/reader to connect the problem and solution, leading to better understanding. Apple Watch A The Launch PESTLE analysis is one the significant and widely used tool or framework mostly by organizationswith the intent of considering the market environment before commencing the process of marketing. Question Description. It is not a close substitute of a first define choice or other alternatives or must provide the solution of the problem in a particular way. In fact, it is the most efficient way for humans to work and communicate in the modern age. For the purpose of maximizing the benefits of such analysis, it is important that it should be used on regular basis so that an organization would be able to identify the trends. It significantly rely on the capabilities of the manager that how effectively it can prioritize and determine the most important element. This is important, as it allows the reader and stakeholders to understand the proven facts, and the pasts results such recommendation has harvested, leading to more acceptability and also the determination of the plan that may be in need to be  adopted so to avoid the delays and resistance in the organization, while implementing the change. internal and external factors. It is an unfavorable situation that exist in the environment making it difficult for the organization to achieve its defined goals. The users of the financial statement are listed below; Significantly, creating the financial ratio add meanings to the accounting and financial data of the business. Gross profit margin (GPM):it is also referred to operating profit margin. APPLE WATCH CASE STUDY STAKES Perform better than competitors Difficult Easy Opportunities STRATEGY Threats Differentiation : .Product (innovation) .Price (creaming policy) Reporting Plan INTRODUCTION STAKES STRATEGY MARKET APPLICATION COMPETITORS MARKET APPLICATION AND TARGETS The major advantage is that it enables the significant comparison between time periods. Management capabilities, Facilities, financial resources, marketing skills and the weak brand image can be the sources of weakness. The Apple Watch A The Launch substitute products are an alternatives that are available in the market at comparatively better prices. The internet is a huge resource of knowledge and information where you can find virtually anything. High threat of substitute leads to low profitability as it limits the industry profits by placing a price ceiling due to the fear of being substituted by other product. The factors or forces are discussed below; These are the forces that tends to be altered by the influence of government on the infrastructure of country. A good Apple Watch A The Launch recommendation is that, incorporates the findings from the past. The barriers can be both industrial and legal. Under the Cost/benefit analysis of the alternatives, different factors such as cots, competitive edge, market share, financial feasibility and human resource required are considered to be the major factors of implementation. Note-taking apps on your iPhone are handy, for example, but pulling out your phone to manually key in a note is often more trouble than it's worth. Therefore Porter framework due to its limitation is too inert to be depending upon outside the short term to medium, term objectives. As these aspects negatively affect the overall performance of the organization by making it weaker compared to its competitors. Therefore, being the use of the financial ratios would provide assistance thereby leading to the overloaded information. No other smartwatch on the market has offered even close to the range of styles that the Apple Watch will be offered in at launch. Such is important to analyze or else it would lead to failure. From the standpoint of owners, the key value drivers may be the growth potential company’s key services and products, key technology capabilities providing the competitive edge, superior process’s cost effectiveness as well as the strategic differentiated positioning. 1267 Words 6 Pages. However, my patient was alerted to a high heart rate (HR) which can be activated and set to go off at heart rates as low as 100 BPM or up to 150 BPM. Markham Heid’s article, “You Asked: Is My Smartphone Making Me Dumber?”, explains the negative effects of relying on a smartphone. Furthermore the cost related to the entry, access to raw materials, barriers related to culture and technical standards also play a major role and can affect the decision of the new entrants in the market. The Negatives of Screen Addiction Apart from this the size and the reputation of the companies that are already operating in the market also play an important. The acronym Apple Watch A The Launch SWOT stands for strength, weakness, threats and opportunities. In addition to this, the disadvantages of the alternatives entails the costs that are associated with implanting the option, and thus required to  be considered before the implementation process, in order to avoid any mishap in future or during the implementation. The PESTLE study of Apple is conducted to assess the relation of Apple’s high performance linked to the external and internal factors. Thus is important as to allow the organization. Also, there are many questions that can be bets answered by comparing the figures in percentages. Such type of calculation needs very selective estimate or analysis of the variables and fixed cost or expenses of the company while taking into consideration the operating leverage effect. They are the technical and economically ways through which the project can be carried out feasibly. Case Study - Apple Inc. 1. It is important to note there that it also highlights the needs to beaware of keep emphasizing on the company’s specific concerns without appreciate secondary influence on other ratios. As a result, touch screen made the iPhone simple to use, but the design of the iPhone made it the most sought item in the…, Being skeptical of the iPhone and not having any prior knowledge about them; when I had the choice of the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy s5, I elected to get the Samsung just being more acquainted with the Android phones. Options in Apple Watch Heart Health include “Irregular Rhythm” which notifies you if Apple thinks you have been in atrial fibrillation for >10 minutes. There are many occasions, in which the environmental changes have an adverse influence on the project that might not be noted in the initial stages of project, indicating that the uncertainty sis still there even after the pestle analysis have carried out. It can be used for examining the business operations from the variety of perspective for determining the ways that can be used to strengthen the business and understating the greater financial condition or situation. it is not appropriate setting an average as an objective. Think Different! BS15079 & BS15051 BA (Hons) in Business Studies, CITY College, An International Faculty of the University of Sheffield 4/1/2016 Word Count: 2597 2. The option has to be realistic and should have imperative results on the organization. The Apple Watch A The Launch VRIO analysis is basically the extension of the Apple Watch A The Launch PESTEL analysis, which allows the oragnation to understand the resources, competitive edge, value proposition and its value in the market. AND THE INNOVATIONS CONTINUED.. 3. The reliability factor includes if the option developed is successful or has the successful track record in the past or with the pats companies. APPLE INC. Three lines: the Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport, and Apple Watch Edition. It emphasizes more on external factors and ignore the specific factors that are more specially related with the firm. Apple Watch A The Launch Porter five forces reflects the competitive environment of an industry.
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