Some did not function properly. I purchased a Panzer BP-12 three years ago, and I love the gun. Flip up sights , and cleaning kit; PW Arms 1 year warranty; Tested with Hi power shotgun shells, May not function well with light loads. Tested on my CQB course and the 50-yard range, with ammo from expected and reliable manufacturers such as Federal and Winchester, my targets consistently resulted in 3-6” inch groupings with ease. Made in Turkey. One development on test day was no surprise whatsoever, the UTS-15 is accurate and deadly. }. As I understand it, the partners, a brother I believe, split off and formed Radikal from Panzer with the same design. The BP-12 has several inches of real estate for mounting lights or optics. Love the looks and design. Any one know how the muzzle brake works. The hardware fits well and the finish is always even. The shotgun is delivered with AR-15 type sights, two magazines that hold five 12-gauge shells, and a cheek riser to allow the use of optical sights. The incredibly high-capacity, combined with unique features in … Part of why the UTS-15 appeals to many homeowners, looking for the best shotgun for home defense, is this is a fantastically high-capacity shotgun. The BP-12 has several inches of real estate for mounting lights or optics. How can we make this happen? As is expected, the ejection port is located behind a standard AR-15 style grip. The trigger for the UTS-15 is just as you’d expect from a tactical shotgun and it is nice that all of the switches and release are located within easy reach. It is well-made and should prove to be a formidable defender for the home or ranch. These choke tubes are Mobil types and are nice to have. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. Then, angle the magazines in the magazine well and be certain it is properly seated. A fast shooter, the UTS can keep up with me and refire as fast as I can feed through the fifteen rounds. The greatest hinderance to ownership seems to be cost and availability. But in bulk. How do I know which adjustment ring came installed in the gun? I was happy to be proven wrong and had an enjoyable time without noticing any work-around for the extra bulk. Stock I discovered a new and highly versatile for my work envelope. Richard Douglas is a long time shooter, outdoor enthusiast and technologist. After the initial test, I would load full-power Remington Power Piston loads and rest easy. Carried a pump 12 for all my tours in the AO. Looks to me that the Panzer Arms BP-12 is almost a duplicate of the Hatsan Escort B12 Bullpup. Would like to have one. The person who learns to use the shotgun well will find it a very effective firearm. It’s actually about two inches shorter than an M4. I managed several other conflicts in service and a pump 12 was always part of the loadout. For that speed and reliability, the UTS-15 does quite well with 2 ¾” birdshot and lighter target loads. I was excited to be given the recent opportunity to test the UTS-15 and interested to see how it would perform. The next thing that had to be addressed was the recoil of the small, light shotgun. For any low light shooting, I can activate the light or laser with a switch on the right side. The trigger bar goes through some tangents and this means the trigger will never be as nice as a standard-design shotgun, but then a crisp trigger is part of very few shotgun designs. The real benefit is home defense. While modern and effective, a bullpup must be learned and handled decisively to be effective. All in all, I highly recommend it. There are two adjustment rings supplied with the shotgun that must be fitted after partial disassembly in order to change between standard and high-velocity loads. Fun to shoot and has been very reliable!! That much firepower without the need to reload makes this a great choice for sport and home defense. An AK based, mag-fed bullpup shotgun is pretty easy to get excited about. The Mission of Cheaper Than Dirt! A handy feature in most circumstances. Bentonville, AR – New to the Escort Versatile Tactical Shotgun lineup is the BTS bullpup. This ensures feed reliability. The flexibility there was handy for a long day with various targets on the course. While they were useful and still are, the Panzer Arms BP-12 Bullpup is something from a different century. Fire, get the sights back on target and hit the target again. Plus the TS12 is sturdier and made of better quality parts. The bullpup configuration was first used in rifles and only much later has it become popular in shotguns. As the years progressed I found that i had several 500’s and several 870’s all of tactical configuration. This allows for a relatively long barrel in a short package. Recoil is definitely manageable, and a bit less than pump-actions with comparable barrel lengths. There was more difficulty in operation with the slugs in testing, but my muscle fatigue coming into play has me forgiving the trouble. Wish it ejected out the bottom, or front. If you are a lefty and all-around shotgun is what you need, this unique weapon may not be the best choice. If you are using iron sights, then remove the cheek riser. He is the founder and editor of Scopes Field, and a columnist at The National Interest, Cheaper Than Dirt, Daily Caller and other publications. For comparison, my son has a Kel-Tec that is a great gun, but it wears my shoulder out. Please Note : For the best function high power shot shells 1250 FPS or higher are suggested . We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. I can shoot this BP12 all day without having to find an ice pack in the evening…LOL. I love this bullpup shotgun more than the Kel-Tec KSG. The VR80 comes to mind as several others who have discovered the BP12’s that I work with now carry them at all times. I like to have a shotgun that delivers a solid hit with the buckshot load to at least 20 yards. Ironically, one of the features making the UTS-15 shotgun more desirable also affects its image in the price category. There are more affordable bullpups on the market, but there is only one UTS-15. America 1st!! I was concerned when I first got a good look at the UTS in person that it would be too ungainly with its boxy appearance and tall stature. Have had mine for about 6 months. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here... Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! There are just ones who’s designs are better than others. Easy to load from the left or right side, it’s nice to see an ambidextrous feature on a relatively right-handed shotgun. 10 round mags and 20-25 round drum mags are available and a joy to shoot. I own the cousin, the Radikal Arms NK-1 bullpup 12 gauge. Or auto, that I have had the opportunity to fire. You can “suppress” the threat, make him run, and not have to be concerned about going empty. Read our range report on the firearm here.). I can assure you, this is so much more than meets the eye. .hide-if-no-js { This may be true but it’s eaten everything it’s been fed, including Remington Managed Recoil 12 gauge 2 3/4-inch Rifled Slugs. The two magazine tubes can be fed with different rounds, so I’d feed buckshot to one side with slugs on the other. It has better recoil, capacity, and there is no shell ejection directly into my arm – which really sucks. I am left handed; this firearm is of no use tome. Another feature is significantly practical; the UT-15 is extremely easy to disassemble for cleaning, with only one part to unscrew to break down. Sometimes nostalgia corrupts your remembrances. But that’s another story. My first was a Winchester pump 12ga that was traded for an 870. Despite this, the TS12 is surprisingly easy to manage and pays you back for adapting to its size. Perhaps the most successful bullpup shotgun is the Kel-Tec KSG. © Copyright 2021 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. Simply put aside time for dry-fire practice. I like the Panzer Arms shotgun. What’s some good ammo recommendations anybody??? The change in the trajectory of force also kept the muzzle lift to a minimum for follow up shots on target. display: none !important; 2 Simply load the magazine with shells, slipping the shells under the feel lips and pressing them straight to the rear. The Escort BTS12 is a modern sporting rifle style shotgun chambered in 12 gauge. Rack bolt to load the first shell and you are good to go for firing. Around corners you still have the 16.5″ barrel, but short in configuration, much like an SBR, but, unlike SBRs and pistol AR configurations, missing and going through a wall or window is less likely with bird or buckshot. I have one just wonderibg. It offers all the perks of the VTS series shotguns in a more compact, portable package. Ar controls we familiar and easy to get used to. I still like a pump over an auto but that’s a personal choice. The large peep sights make for excellent high probability. High-quality materials have been assembled to create this undeniably unique weapon. (Like this shotgun? The length of the BP12 makes concealment a breeze – with a couple gun magnets it fits easily behind a headboard, under a bedrail, behind a dresser – and this makes it great for home defense. Traded these to a USMC tunnel rat for an M3 GreaseGun. If you aren’t aggressive with your pulls, you are more likely to have trouble. The cocking handle may be reversed to allow racking from either side. Muzzle signature is more evident. The UTS-15 is delivered with notch and post sights to install. Worthwhile having for personal use…, Your email address will not be published. The UTS-15’s unique appearance with the top dual tubes encasing barrel within the lower accessory tube is due completely to the compact nature of the bullpup configuration. This seems reasonable. I too, 69 to 71. It draws attention and I had several interested compatriots that insisted on a turn. I would like to order the BP-12. Those who do not care to practice and learn should choose a simpler firearm. Slugs at 50 were strong performers, and it was nice to see the longer distance accuracy on a shotgun that is designed to be best at small quarters. If you need to be effective 12 gauge is the answer. The bullpup layout puts the action behind the trigger which makes for a great looking semi-automatic rifle. (If you don’t mind shooting up your home.). Having gotten used to the configuration and changes in body position that are required when shooting a bullpup, I can say that I quite like the way the UTS-15 handles. The construction with the polymers to make the weapon significantly lighter, create an odd problem of a potentially high-priced $1,200 plastic shotgun. Week-In-Review News Roundup: March 7-13, 2021, BREAKING: House Passes Background Check Bills for Firearms, Beretta: A History of the World’s Oldest Firearm Company, Best Defensive Ammunition Options for Rifles, Beretta: A History of the World's Oldest Firearm Company, Have Gun, Will Travel: Transporting Your Handgun Across the United States, The Top 15 Most Concealable Semi-Automatic Handguns, BANNED: An Overview of Restricted Guns, Ammo and Parts in Each State. Rock solid shotgun … took it through a 4 day Front Sight course and it preformed performed flawlessly, digested everything without a hickup. Bullpup shotguns typically have plenty of rail for mounting optics, lasers and sights. Part of that ease was also definitely thanks to its lack of weight. The shotgun’s natural point is quite different than a bullpup. It’s fun for sure, and the semi-automatic bullpup shotgun design makes it unique and easy to handle (aside from the recoil and pain). Point here is that the BullPup Shotgun allows for a much broader selection of deployment options due to size without sacrificing operation, function or effectiveness. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. Bullpup Appetite. Another feature designed for right-handed only is the safety, located to the left within easy reach. Plus the TS12 is semi-automatic shotgun, whereas the KSG is a pump action. This next-generation shotgun is available in either 12 ga or .410 cal, and is offered in either black or FDE Cerakote. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. If you want a fun blaster, go for it. I’m scheming on a DP12 as I wright. Learning to use the bolt release and magazine release isn’t difficult. The primary difference between this shotgun and others is that the firing grip is far ahead of the action. A few words on the shotgun’s quality of manufacture: the fit, finish and machining impress. 's blog. The elephant in the room is this is a mammoth bullpup shotgun. In fact, I found that the short and squat build is good for work within tight spaces. I grew up with double-barrel and pump-action shotguns. Awesome weapon. In fact the NK-1 uses the BP12 Manual. Required fields are marked *, Time limit exceeded. Please be respectful of others. The AR TWELVE Shotgun is a gas-operated, semi-automatic shotgun designed to look and function similarly to the AR15/M16 rifle. The included irons are adjustable and for the sake of testing, I stuck with them. Being a bit taller, the UTS fits well as a pointed shotgun. Many bullpups get knocked for reliability and the UTS-15 does not escape this reputation for many. Other tightly-fitted firearms require a modest break-in. What is the price and when will it be available? The Shooter's Log, is to provide information—not opinions—to our customers and the shooting community. Our squad used .17 w/silencers and AK47’s. Heavy loads kick like a mule but style love it.. I’ll pass. A mechanical switch is within easy reach on the top of the gun. Recoil Pad ; Comes with 2 - 5 round mags . For those looking for a premium bullpup shotgun, look no further than the UTS-15 high-capacity shotgun. The shotgun is supplied with three choke tubes for open, modified and full choke use. Things I enjoyed in my youth are fondly remembered, but I no longer have to deal with them. The safety lever is easy enough to manipulate.  =  Unlike the Benelli and Mauser HD style shotguns, when you are empty you don’t have to turn over the shotgun and load the tube, the action is twice as fast as pump, and a 1200 lumen Olight and laser makes identifying the threat and getting on target instantly a plus. That feature is not the best for left-handed shooters, but that is a common issue with bullpups. When firing the shotgun, it seems recoil is easier to manage than with a standard-configuration shotgun. In ‘Nam my rifle co. 1stSgt, as he transferred out to become infantry bn SgtMaj, passed to me 12 ga Winchester riot pump w/bayonet in Battle of Hue, loaded alternatively 00-buck-flechette for my CP group close-in defense, highly useful there… Had to use it once when gap in CP security allowed NVA/MFVC bo-doi to charge onto us… Tight quarters could have caused problem but luckily didn’t that time… Self-loading bullpup configuration would have been superior…, I can envision better handling & results for trap & skeet w.bullpup… May not be allowable for ass’n competitions but would be enjoyable for h*** of it! I have several shotguns that do not even accept a light or optics mount of any type. The bolt handle allows plenty of leverage, racking the bolt isn’t difficult at all. Most right-handed shooters will have the cocking handle on the left side of the receiver. Went to a break in one night and I was in good hands. It made the long day significantly easier thanks to the adjustments in the design. When you are firing the shotgun, your cheek is closer to the receiver than with most shotguns. By putting the 870 in a BullPup The bullpup configuration was first used in rifles and only much later has it become popular in shotguns. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. The design places the receiver behind the shooter’s face and the firing grip forward. The extra height is due to one of the most unique features of this shotgun; both magazine chambers are situated above the barrel. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. The Panzer Arms 12 looks to be a hugged and CQ ready platform. There is also a slot that allows you to easily see how many cartridges are loaded. You might also like the Kel-Tec KSG Pump-Action Shotgun. I like this option in a combat shotgun. That’s not a failure, that’s how this shotgun was intended to operate. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! A tube beneath the barrel is not just wasted space either, Utas Defense has included an integrated light/laser accessory with illumination directly under the muzzle. Its 18.5” smoothbore barrel is packed into an overall length of only 28.3.” I expected the shorter 12” length of pull and was easily able to get comfortable shooting. Recoil isn’t as strong as you would think, perhaps less than a conventional shotgun. The magazine was scuffed of course, but not dented and it never failed to feed properly. 3. Mine has run perfectly with standard loads out of the box, not a single short cycle or FTF, and recoil is surprisingly low which I attribute to the buffer tube. The statement has been made that this shotgun works best with higher-velocity shotshells. The Panzer Arms BP-12 shotgun isn’t difficult to use well, but these differences simply must be understood. The BP-12 doesn’t point like a standard shotgun, as the balance of the piece is very different than a standard-design shotgun. I’d either allow the bullpup to go back and forth, using both tubes simultaneously or I’d isolate my rounds to all come from one tube. I buy American to keep Americans working. Loading is done at two flap openings for the mag tube on the top of the shotgun Better than the Kel-Tech KSG’s blind loading port, the UTS-15’s is clear and easy to locate. It does have more kick than the standard semi-automatic, but it isn’t as bad my KelTec KSG pump action shotgun. I can’t see how it does. SureFire LED WeaponLight Coming in at number 3 is easily one of my favorite Mossberg 500 upgrades on the market right now. Time limit exceeded. My CQ rifle of choice was already the MSAR STG556 as its versatility due to its short stature made it ideal for deployment from inside a vehicle and within a tight urban environment. With sights installed, there is a considerable 8.5” height. The bullpup must be handled like a rifle and driven toward the target like a rifle and aimed with more care than the usual shotgun. The UTS-15 is a one-of-a-kind premium bullpup shotgun that can be used and enjoyed by many. Bullpup pistol grip stock with adjustable comb and accessory rails: Recoil Pad: Rubber: Receiver: Aircraft Alloy, Picatinny Rail Fitted: Barrel: Hard chrome plated 4137 steel: Barrel Length: 18” Magazine Capacity: 5 / 2: Chokes: F, IC, CYL (Brake) Safety: Manual … I really want this shotgun, hopefully it’s allowed for 3 gun as I really don’t want to spend $3,000 + for a custom built competition shotgun. Upgrading the Kel-Tec KS7 Bullpup Shotgun. As the article states, fit and finish are top notch, and this thing is a blast to shoot. Worked verious security projects outside of the US over the years and again always found a place for a 12ga. Without hesitation, I can say that if you are looking for a showstopper of a shotgun, this is the one for you. Blackie, Advantage of Bullpup Shotguns. Yup, 90% of what I have now are12 gauge. I , like many others I suspect was introduced to the tactical shotgun while in service an for me while serving in SEA. Ian johnson. Backed up by a 1 year Factory warranty. My new six-speed automatic Jeep is so much more reliable and easier to drive than my Dad’s old Jeep panel truck, but I fondly remember the old jeep. Is the adjustment ring supposed to be free-floating when The cocking handle is locked in open position? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The shotgun was fired with a variety of loads. Also, it is much harder for a hiding-around-the-corner threat to grab your barrel, which, believe it or has happened with a pump home defense shotgun. Incidentally, during the test, I dropped a fully-loaded all-steel magazine on the concrete walk of the firing range. The Rock Island Armory VRBP-100 is a lot of gun for the money. This shotgun is a self-loader with a five-round detachable box magazine. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Review: Panzer Arms BP-12 Bullpup Shotgun, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). The advantage of the multiple included and integrated accessories also adds value to the investment. I love mine! The VRBP-100’s recoil management is what you would expect from a bullpup shotgun. The UTS-15 is a one-of-a-kind premium bullpup shotgun that can be used and enjoyed by many. This isn’t true of many conventional shotguns. IWI Tavor TS12. With … A beneficial feature that made my accuracy range testing easier was the ability to operate the mag tubes independently as needed. I always tap magazines on a boot heel or hard surface to seat the shells. I have several shotguns that do not even accept a light or optics mount of any type. This shotgun is a self-loader with a five-round detachable box magazine. Liked #1 Buck and Flechette loads as the most effective. I had the old hi std with flashlight mount on top. The incredibly high-capacity, combined with unique features in styling and handling make this an excellent choice for interested gun owners. One thing was clear straight away; this premium shotgun has some really interesting features to tell you about. Named by its acronym “Ultimate Tactical Shotgun, 15 round” this Turkish 12 gauge pump-action from Utas Defense stands out in the market with its unique look and performance. After the party I came home and joined up w/the Nra and Ted Nugent’s “club .Then when my buddy came back from Afganistan he was as radical about his shot gun as Uncle Ted was of his. Get yours direct from Palmetto State Armory! Not in length—it measures in at 28-inches (for reference, that’s 2-inches longer than a Mossberg Shockwave). Some unique qualities here are the port dust cover with a magnet to close after ejection. Only 6.9 lbs empty, the UTS was made much lighter with the use of fiber-reinforced polymers. Due to unique position of the mag tubes, the force on firing was designed to be more direct to shooter’s shoulder, similar to an AR-15 firing position. The UTS is meant to be pointed, and a good pair of eyes would be better. 8 Four position gas setting is adjustable so you can dial in the shotgun to work best the shot shell power to minimize recoil.
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