Larger 5 inch mullet (cut or whole), larger pinfish or a large shrimp can be a meal to a big fish. The fight only lasted for about 5 minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Once you hook up, you will experience a great fight. ___________________________, Contact Us Nowadays, many taxidermists don’t need the actual fish to do a mount and many people agree that the replica mounts even look better and certainly last longer. In Florida, we look for the right depth of water (2-3' in late fall and winter, 3-4' in spring, and 4'+ in the warmer summer months), potholes surrounded by grass flats, and birds diving on grass flats to find Speckled Sea Trout. If you happen to catch a trophy gator trout, take some good pictures, especially of any unique features of the fish, and release it. The list below shows all the kayak brands that have been reviewed by our editors and community members. Fishing for gator trout is best done when there is little light, to take advantage of their ambush feeding nature. I have most success with the 4.5 inch Buzz Tails the most. It’s so easy that it almost feels like cheating. Big baits catch big fish. Episode: 8. They are also able to see in low-light conditions so don’t skip by a location that has some dirty water. They are always on guard. Over the previous weeks, I had caught some nice fish, and it usually didn’t take long — about two drifts to finds out if the fish were going to bite. Shrimp don’t swim up current. by Capt. I like using 10lb braid with 12lb fluorocarbon leader and a 3/0 circle hook. To land, use a rubber landing net, a lip gripper or your wet hands to hold the fish gently to avoid rubbing away the protective slime coating. The bait has to be presented in a natural fashion. Keep tabs on all the latest from YakAngler. What’s for dinner: Gator trout are very lazy and wait for dinner to come to them. Trout are not that fast to act, and they need a couple seconds. Make certain to sure up your rigging, if you want to land the biggest of the big speckled trout. This is where the Heddon Super Spook Jr., Mirr-O-Lure Top Dog or Top Dog Jr. surface walker or other large surface lures come in. Setting the hook can be a trial between getting the hook properly set and ripping it out of the fish's mouth entirely. How To Catch GATOR TROUT In The Fall & Winter How To Catch 24X More Inshore Saltwater Fish (Easy 10-Minute System) One thing that Luke mentioned in the podcast is that he uses his phone to navigate and find out where the edges of the flats are. Don’t pass up the top water plug. Because gator trout feed year-round they can be caught at any time. The fish made a few runs to try to get back down and every time I’d move it would take that much more line back. Giant trout often show up in the same small area in numbers. All fish are in one of two modes, but never both at the same time. “Sorry, this one’s going back. //