Get your top stories delivered daily! The health equity rate measures the testing positivity in a county’s low-income and more racially diverse neighborhoods. Las actividades que pueden continuar o reabrirse en interiores con modificaciones bajo el Nivel Morado incluyen: • Sectores de infraestructura crítica (incluida la atención médica y dental, guarderías y guarderías, supermercados, escuelas si ya están abiertas, etc. Mask mandates and prohibiting on-premises dining at restaurants have been shown ... to limit potential exposures to the virus, and that resulted in less community transmission.". The La Mesa site, operated by Sharp ... Latest State COVID-19 Ranking Keeps San Diego County in 'Purple' Tier. ), o Requiere máscaras y distanciamiento físico, o No asisten más de 3 hogares separados (incluido el del anfitrión), o Las reuniones deben durar 2 horas o menos, o Se recomienda encarecidamente a las personas con alto riesgo de enfermedad grave que no asistan, o Se desaconseja cantar, gritar, cantar, animar o hacer ejercicio, • Gimnasios y centros de fitness (incluidos estudios de baile), • Campos de juego e instalaciones de recreación al aire libre (incluidos campamentos y parques de casas rodantes). Para obtener más información sobre COVID-19, visite o para obtener detalles sobre la vacuna COVID-19, visite o llame al Centro de Asistencia Telefónica del condado al (805) 543-2444, que ahora está disponible 7 días a la semana, de 8 a.m. A 5 p.m. 1055 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, Copyright © County of San Luis Obispo, California, disclaimer regarding use and reliability of Google translate, CDC Releases New Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals. "Agradecemos a la comunidad por seguir usando máscaras, mantenerse separados por al menos seis pies, hacerse la prueba y abstenerse de reuniones sociales fuera de su burbuja social para ayudarnos a detener el aumento y, con suerte, permitirnos pasar al Nivel Rojo". ), • Servicios de cuidado personal (servicios de cuidado de la piel; servicios de uñas; profesionales del arte corporal, salones de tatuajes y tiendas de piercings; servicios de masajes, etc. ), • Producción de entretenimiento (incluidas grabaciones de actuaciones sin audiencia en vivo en persona), • Servicios limitados (lavanderías, tintorerías, talleres de reparación de automóviles, lavado de autos, paisajistas, servicios de venta de puerta a puerta, aseo de mascotas, paseo de perros, etc. Leisure and non-essential travel - 14 day self-quarantine required for visitors and returning California residents (Essential travel includes: work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services, health, immediate medical care, and safety and security. ). To move back down to the red “substantial” tier, Orange County would need to have its metrics at red levels for two consecutive weeks. On Nov. 24 the state had 41 counties in purple, 11 counties in red, four in orange, two in yellow. Sign up for FOX 11’s Fast 5 newsletter. El condado también debe cumplir con los criterios de equidad en la salud para demostrar la capacidad del condado para abordar las comunidades más afectadas dentro del condado de San Luis Obispo. – Today, the State announced the Santa Barbara County adjusted case rate to be 16.9 and testing positivity to be 6.0%. Download for iOS or Android. The new numbers bring up a total of 1,205,276 positive cases and bring up the virus' death toll to 22,099 across the county, which is currently in a highly-restrictive purple tier. @lapublichealth Director Barbara Ferrer says LA County may get out of purple tier (strictest) as early as next week, which means students in grades 7 … San Diego Fire-Rescue Department to Offer Single-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine Beginning Tuesday. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Monday that while the county is fully committed to implementing one key element of the "red" tier -- the reopening of in-person classes for students in grades 7 through 12 - - she would only say health officials are in discussions with the Board of Supervisors about other business reopenings. Date: Qué está abierto y qué está cerrado en el nivel púrpura. While discussing possible reopenings under the "red" tier, however, Ferrer pointed to a recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that specifically discussed the danger of COVID spread posed by "on-site dining at restaurants." Now, the county must keep the daily case rate at or under 7 new cases per 100,000 residents and the county's test positivity rate can't exceed 8% for two consecutive weeks. There are now 51 counties in the purple tier after Tuesday’s updates. "And we'll be sure to share that information not only with all of you but really importantly with all of the sectors in a very timely way later this week. • Servicios de adoración, incluidas ceremonias de boda y funerales. With the gradual decrease in new coronavirus cases, Los Angeles County has begun to meet the state threshold to move up to the less-restrictive red tier. Please see updates from Animal Services, Behavioral Health, Public Guardian and Public Health. El estado levantó hoy la orden regional de estadía en el hogar para todas las regiones, porque la proyección de la capacidad de camas de la UCI para las próximas cuatro semanas ha mejorado. Understand your county’s status Every county in California is assigned to a tier based on its positivity rate, adjusted case rate, and health equity metric. San Luis Obispo, CA - Los servicios y actividades permitidos bajo el Nivel púrpura generalizado bajo el Plan estatal para una economía más segura, como cenas al aire libre y servicios personales, pueden reanudarse inmediatamente en el condado de San Luis Obispo con las modificaciones necesarias. (SANTA BARBARA, Calif.).) ), Personal care services (skin care services; nail services; body art professionals, tattoo parlors, and piercing shops; massage services, etc. The county’s case rate, however, remained stagnant at 11.3 new cases per day, the same as the previous week and solidly within the purple tier — where the county currently sits. Modified Youth and Recreational Adult Sports Can Start in SLO County on Friday, COVID-19 Has Taken 200 Lives in San Luis Obispo County, County Health Officer Urges Residents to Celebrate Safely this Super Bowl Sunday, My COVID Story: John Porter, San Luis Obispo, SLO County Exits State’s Regional Stay at Home Order and Returns to Purple Tier, County Now Reports 66% of Local Hospital ICU Beds Available, More than 100 SLO County Community Members Have Died of COVID-19, SLO County Adds Nearly 900 COVID-19 Cases, Clearing Out State Data Backlog, Widespread Purple Tier under the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, lifted the Regional Stay at Home Order for all regions, recordings of performances with no live in-person audience, Nivel púrpura generalizado bajo el Plan estatal para una economía más segura, levantó hoy la orden regional de estadía en el hogar para todas las regiones, incluidas grabaciones de actuaciones sin audiencia en vivo en persona, Critical infrastructure sectors (including medical and dental care, child and daycare, grocery stores, schools if already open, etc. ), • Minorista: aumentar al 25% la capacidad máxima (desde el 20%), • Centros comerciales: capacidad máxima del 25%, áreas comunes cercanas, áreas de comida cercanas. Penny Borenstein, oficial de salud pública del condado. San Luis Obispo, CA — Services and activities allowed under the Widespread Purple Tier under the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, such as outdoor dining and personal services, may resume immediately in San Luis Obispo County with required modifications. El CDPH evaluará los indicadores semanalmente los lunes y publicará las asignaciones de niveles actualizadas los martes, y esa asignación de niveles entrará en vigencia el miércoles. As local metrics continue to trend downward, the need for more … Thanks to decreased case numbers and changes implemented by the state in response to vaccination efforts, Los Angeles County officials said Monday they are preparing to advance to a less-restrictive tier of the state's COVID-19 economic reopening blueprint as early as next week. Sectores o actividades que deben permanecer cerrados bajo el Nivel Morado: • Parques de atracciones (incluidos parques acuáticos), • Bares, cervecerías y destilerías (donde no se ofrece comida; siga las instrucciones del restaurante donde se ofrece comida), • Centros comunitarios, centros de convenciones y salas de conciertos, • Piscinas cubiertas, jacuzzis, saunas y baños de vapor, • Deportes de audiencia en vivo (incluidas ligas recreativas para adultos, juegos y torneos). The Health Agency is actively responding to COVID-19 and continuing to provide other essential services. ), No more than 3 separate households attend (including the host’s), Those at high risk of severe illness strongly encouraged not to attend, Singing, shouting, chanting, cheering, or exercising strongly discouraged, Gyms and fitness centers (including dance studios), Playgrounds and outdoor recreation facilities (including campgrounds and RV parks). The new numbers come just minutes after the state revealed that several Northern California counties -- Alameda, Solano and Santa Cruz -- moved up from purple to red tier. The County must also meet the health equity criteria to demonstrate the county’s ability to address the most impacted communities within SLO County. • Viajes de ocio y no esenciales: se requiere una auto cuarentena de 14 días para los visitantes y los residentes de California que regresan (los viajes esenciales incluyen: trabajo y estudio, apoyo de infraestructura crítica, servicios económicos, salud, atención médica inmediata y seguridad). Both Los Angeles and Orange counties remained in the purple tier, despite gradual decreases in new cases for both cases. Bars, breweries, and distilleries (where no meal provided; follow restaurant guidance where meal is provided), Community centers, convention centers, and concert venues, Indoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms, Live audience sports (including adult rec leagues, games and tournaments). She added: "Allowing on-premises restaurant dining was associated with increases in county-level case and death rates, and that's something that we'll need to take into account as we begin more reopenings in our restaurants. Follow us on social media for updates, events, photos and more: Author: Joint Information Center Worship services - including wedding ceremonies and funerals. Middle and high schools must wait longer, until the county’s case rate falls below 7 per 100,000 — which is also the threshold for leaving the purple tier. While none of the five FOX 11 viewing area counties -- LA, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura -- got out of the purple tier, Imperial County got bumped up to red tier on Tuesday. ), Retail - increase to 25% maximum capacity (from 20%), Shopping centers - Max 25% capacity, close common areas, close food courts, Family entertainment centers (kart racing, mini golf, batting cages, etc. Live Blog: San Diego County Remains In Purple Tier, But COVID-19 Numbers Improve Mar. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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